The newest and perhaps the most controversial Internet TV box right now is the Logitech Revue powered by Google TV. Shortly after this solution was launched, ABC, NBC, CBS, and now Fox have blocked website access to Google TV. This means shows like ‘The Office’ won’t work unless you are watching last season’s episodes off the Netflix application. What is so controversial is that this can be done via other Internet TV boxes or by viewing the episodes off your Mac or PC. So why pick on Google?
In my humble opinion, the big networks are using this as a negotiating tactic to get Google and other enablers to pay for content but also to slow the transition from traditional cable TV to Internet TV. Let’s face it, revenues are plentiful for content providers on the old model but not the new. Anyone remember Napster and the recording industry battles? Just like iTunes emerged, I am confident Google and others will emerge over time as consumer adoption increases and the new revenue models reveal themselves.
So enough speculation. What is Google TV and this Logitech Revue all about? Well first, the product is not designed to be just a standalone TV replacement service like the little Roku. Google TV is designed to be a complimentary service using your existing Dish service. Specifically, Dish Network but I’ve been testing the box with DirecTV.
Packaging is simple. A power supply, set-top box, and remote. Wait, this isn’t a remote it is a keyboard!?
Yea it is slim, light, and minimal but it is still a ‘flippin’ keyboard. Not sure I like this…
I am a believer in NOT reading the manual. If the typical users can figure it out without instructions, the product was designed well. If you must read the manual, you are going to lose a lot of people. For example, Ipod, who had to read the manual? But hey, I don’t care if we’re talking about the latest technology device or putting together a night stand from Target. Instruction manuals shouldn’t be necessary unless you bought a 7-series BMW. Then, its a pleasure.
I am happy to report that the Logitech Revue setup is extremely easy and user friendly.
Simply put, I plug in HDMI out from my DirecTV DVR into the Logitech Revue. HDMI out comes out of Revue into my TV set. Turn it on. Following the Steps. 10 minutes later I am up and running. It programmed my TV set, old Harman Kardon Receiver, and DirecTV STB. My understanding is the Logitech is using their excellent Harmony remote software in this device and it definitely shows. I am impressed with setup! Easy, fast, and NO manual.
The Experience
The home page has a pass-thru for “Live TV” which is your entry point for traditional Dish service. Once there, you see the familiar program guide that you know and love. Clicking the ‘home’ button brings you back to the Google applications that includes Netflix, YouTube, Video Player, etc.
Now, I’m going to hold judgment on this box as I’ve only had it 3 days now. I will write a more complete review on the experience in the coming weeks. If you have specific questions or things you would like me to check into, please post a comment and let me know. Thanks for viewing and stay tuned!